Fermilab New Contract
Dear Colleagues,
I am pleased to share that the U.S. Department of Energy has awarded the new management and operating (M&O) contract for Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory to Fermi Forward Discovery Group, LLC (FermiForward) – an entity led by the University of Chicago. This is exciting news for both the future of Fermilab and for the UChicago scientists whose collaboration with researchers at Fermilab – the world’s leading particle physics and accelerator laboratory – are helping solve the mysteries of matter, energy, space, and time.
FermiForward will take over M&O responsibilities from Fermi Research Alliance (FRA), LLC, a UChicago affiliate that currently manages and operates Fermilab, commencing January 1, 2025.
As part of FermiForward, UChicago joins with our current FRA partner, Universities Research Association, Inc. (URA) – a consortium of nearly 90 research universities – as well as with critical new partners with operational expertise. Additionally, to further enhance the bold scientific vision of Fermilab and to amplify Fermilab’s impact, 18 leading research institutions and universities from around the world will partner with FermiForward. The level of expertise and diverse range of partnerships will help drive a culture of unprecedented scientific and operational exceptionalism that will have a transformative impact on Fermilab, placing it at the forefront of scientific exploration and discovery.
Over the next three months, FermiForward will work closely with Fermilab leaders, staff, contractors, users, and community partners to ensure a smooth transfer of management and operations responsibility.
Thank you to all of you whose continued engagement with and support for the National Labs. I look forward to continuing to work with you and our partners.
Paul Alivisatos